Using QR Codes to Fill Your Sales Funnel

The best time to act on something is when you see it or when it is right in front of you so you don’t forget it or get distracted by something else. That is why QR codes are so effective in engaging prospects. If you are in a store and see a QR code on a package you can click on it right away to get more information, be entertained or get special offers. If the offers or information are compelling enough most people don’t mind giving up some contact information like an e-mail or text address or maybe even a phone number in exchange. By offering instant savings or other immediate calls to action you can dramatically increase your conversion rates and brand buzz.

The process of sandwiching in a quick and simple opt-in screen to collect information before giving out valuable coupons, entertaining videos or other content is a great way to help bring people into your brands eco-system. Once inside the system you have the ability (with their permission) to engage them in future communications and deliver additional offers that can be used to cross sell, up sell, introduce new products, or simply reward your current users clickfunnels pricing table.

There are several ways to get your prospects information. One method is to deliver simple screens that require the user to fill out the form before they can download the offered information or promotion. Other methods include techniques like delivering polls or quizzes for programmed learning. In order to get the results the user must complete a form that requires them to give up certain contact information to get the poll results or quiz answers. People who click on the QR code to get an offer have been self selected by their actions and represent high quality targets for additional marketing efforts. The ability to make print, packaging or even television, transit, or outdoor advertising interactive by adding QR codes and sandwiching in opt-in screens turns passive print and one way electronic messages into active engaging two way communications and builds a great data base of warm prospects for your sales funnel.

After delivering the desired video, coupon or other offer make sure you give your prospects the ability to share the information they just received through their social networks. Add share buttons or bars at the end of the offer screen to encourage sharing by making it as easy as one click. Once shared the whole process can continue and you can gather even more prospect names and contact information all without having to spend more on “purchased media”

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